Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on December 11th 2002.

Kennet Passenger Meeting
Mr Hobbs reported that the minutes of the meeting had not yet been published and it would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Wiltshire County Council, Potterne Primary School signs
A letter from Mr Lander, Director of Environmental Services said that the Road Safety Officer had arranged a visit to the school on 29th November and had arranged for the school children to take part in further road safety pedestrian training, with particular emphasis on using the new crossing. The suggestions of using the road signs produced by the children were to be discussed at that meeting.

Sarsen Housing Assoc. : Blackberry Lane
A letter had been received in response to the small area of land at the rear of 48 Blackberry Lane. After further checks Sarsen Housing Association believe that this piece of land belongs to the Association. There was a suspicion that the ground did belong to Wiltshire County Council but they can find no evidence to confirm that. From plans it would appear that there has been similar questions asked before about the ownership which has obviously not been fully resolved. Until evidence to the contrary Sarsen will arrange for this area to be added to their grounds maintenance schedule for next year.

Pedestrian Crossing on A360
Mr Hoddinott had met with Mr Willmott, County Councillor and Messrs, Cook and Harris from Wiltshire County Council, Highways Department and several members of the public to discuss better signing and road markings for the new pedestrian crossing. Messrs. Harris and Cook have suggested that grey rumble strips be laid to show that a pedestrian crossing is approaching. This new surface would not be able to be laid until after the roads have finished being gritted/salted throughout the winter months. There will be another street light installed and also the re-introduction of the flashing school pedestrian lights.

Silver Street/Coxhill Lane
Whilst at the same meeting Messrs. Cook and Harris were taken down to this lane which joins Silver Street and Coxhill Lane to show them what a bad state it was in, not only overgrowth but also rubbish which is obviously being tipped there. It was agreed that Wiltshire County Council would look to see that budget was available to improve the area in the way of cutting back and clearing the path. Mr Hoddinott agreed that he would also contact Kennet District Council and ask for their assistance, as they would be able to send out a letter to adjoining properties warning them of the illegality of fly tipping.

Road Island (pedestrian refuge) /Entrance gates to village
Mr Hoddinott enquired of Messrs Harris and Cook when would the installation of the road Island at the bottom of Blounts Court take place. Their initial reaction was that it would not be installed due to underground BT cables. County would use the money that had been allocated by the Parish Council towards the payment of the red rumble strips. Mr Hoddinott said that this was not acceptable as Potterne would be the only village in Wiltshire having to pay for road calming measures of this sort, Mr Hoddinott was then informed that Wiltshire County Council would consider installing an island in the new financial year. It was agreed that if County did not require the money allocated by the Parish Council for this work they would let the Parish know so that the Parish could use it for other purposes.

Tollbar Lane
Water from the recent heavy rains had again made this footpath in need of attention, also the hedges were in need of cutting back to allow for easier access. Mrs Larcombe is still pursuing the matter that this footpath was once used as a by-way and had an original width of some 30 feet. Mrs Larcombe will keep the Parish Council informed.

Information Commissioner Freedom of Information Act 2000
It was unanimously agreed that the Model Freedom of Information Act 2000 be adopted by Potterne Parish Council with no amendments.

English Nature : Wiltshire Interactive Grazing Initiative
English Nature supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, RSPB and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust have started a project that will support livestock holders and landowners in grazing Wiltshire's wildlife rich places. Much of Wiltshire's wildlife heritage is dependent on our grazing traditions, and so is particularly under threat in these difficult times for agriculture. The Clerk will keep this information on file.

Publicity Officer
Jennie Britton has with regret handed in her notice to quit as the Publicity Officer to the Parish Council due to other commitments, she will remain as village correspondent until someone else can be found. The Parish Council thanked Miss Britton for her work and assistance over the last few years.

Wiltshire Highways Partnership
This new partnership brings together under one roof existing staff from Wiltshire County Council from the area office with colleagues from Ringway Parkman. The objective of the partnership is to provide a local Highway Maintenance service, Countywide. The office is now arranging the visits of Lengthsmen, cyclic maintenance gangs and number of specialist operations. These include gully tankers and a high pressure-cleansing machine to deal with troublesome road drains. This partnership will also receive and seek to address almost all of the Clarence enquiries.

Notice of application for Transfer of Justices License
Mr & Mrs Rossborough are applying through the Magistrates Court on 9th January 2003 for the transfer of the justices license for the sale of certain intoxicating liquor by retail at the George and Dragon, Potterne. No objections were received from the Parish Council.

KDC : Precept for 2003/04
The Parish Council unanimously agreed to ask Kennet for £9000 precept for 2003/2004. The remainder of the proposed expenditure will come from reserves.

Previous Meetings:
13 November 2002 9 October 2002 11 September 2002 14 August 2002 10 July 2002 12 June 2002 8 May 2002 10 April 2002 13 March 2002